Composting 101


Food naturally decomposes, so why put it in a plastic trash bag in a landfill when it can be turned into nutritious garden soil? Here are several ways that you can compost your food scraps in New Haven:

Use a food scraps pickup service. Peels & Wheels will pick up food scraps right from your door, just like trash or recycling pickup, starting at just $7.50/pickup. Since 2014, they’ve diverted 750,000 pounds of food waste! Learn more + sign up here.

Start your own backyard compost. The EPA has a great, in-depth guide here.

Compost indoors. Don’t have outdoor space for composting? You can compost indoors with a home composter machine or worm bin. Check out this guide from

Eating a meal at Elm City Market? Drop your food scraps and compostable plate into our compost bin next to our trash and recycling bins in our cafe area.