Wing Dance Apiary’s
Tips to Help the Honey Bees
In honor of National Honey Bee Day, Bill Hesbach, owner of Wing Dance Apiary in Cheshire CT, has these tips on promoting bee health today and every day:
Plant a Bee Garden ~ Create spaces with nectar-rich, local species to create a bee garden. Add lots of native trees & flowers to provide a safe habitat and food for bees.
Set up a Bee Bath ~ Bees need water – especially when it’s hot outside! Help thirsty bees by setting up a shallow water station with stones for them to land on and drink.
Say No to Pesticides ~ Keep your garden bee-friendly by staying away from synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. Use organic products and be aware that many bees nest underground.
Support local beekeepers and organizations ~ Want to get involved? Help your local backyard beekeepers with donations, and by purchasing local honey!